IndiaTimes Shopping Coupons and Offers February 2025

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IndiaTimes Shopping is a leading retailer of men and women's fashion, accessories, consumer electronics and homewares, based out of New Delhi, India. The privately held company is a division of The Times Group, which also owns the Indian Times newspaper and media property. IndiaTimes Shopping is an online only store, operating from

What makes the store so popular is the number of IndiaTimes Shopping offers and deals available. These can be easily redeemed with special IndiaTimes Shopping coupons, a list of which we keep up to date right here, so you never have to waste time searching the web for something that will work. Simply browse back here before ordering to ensure you make the best savings possible!

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Upto 80%+ Extra 10% Off On Men Footware

Save 80% off and get extra 10% off on mens footware by using the coupon code.Limited period only

80% OFF

Save 75% Off On Mother Day Products

Get 75% Off On Mothers Day gifts from IndiaTimes Shopping.Hurry Up!!

75% OFF

Get 15% Off on Organic India Teas,Food and Herbal Supplements

Organic India Teas,Food and Herbal Supplements offer from IndiaTimes Shopping with 15%

15% OFF
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IndiaTimes Shopping Information

IndiaTimes Shopping was founded back in the year 2000 and was a pioneer of eCommerce in India. Originally it operated as marketplace and price comparison service that would list the same product from multiple third party sellers. However by the mid 2000s they decided to purchase their own stock and make deals with other companies to sell directly to the consumer. They also work with specific brands, creating microsites for them and backend services, for a cut of the profits.

IndiaTimes Shopping

Today the company provides over 8 million individual products, from over 5,000 brand and vendors, supplying to over 2600 cities across India!

What They Sell

IndiaTimes Shopping has a comprehensive range of clothing, electronics and homewares, catering to all of the family. You can find almost everything but fresh food, making it a top destination for online Indian shoppers. If you use an IndiaTimes Shopping promo code from us, you can make savings on products in every category.

These include: Fashion Apparel (men and women), Fashion Accessories, Shoes, Mobile Phones & Accessories, Tablets & Computers, Computing Accessories, Jewellery & Watches, Coins, Home Decor, Kitchenware, Flowers & Gifts, Cakes, Arts & Crafts, Health & Beauty, Fitness, Consumer Electronics, Appliances, Books & Stationery, Toys & Games, and much more.

If you are shopping for somebody else but aren't sure what they would like you can always purchase a Gift Coupon of various values. This allows the recipient to redeem it for whatever they choose themselves.

IndiaTimes Shopping Offers

IndiaTimes Shopping offers come in several forms. You can view their normal sales and discounts on the home page, such as a flat 20% off t-shirts, or 15% off the Organic India brand. You do not require a IndiaTimes Shopping promo code to redeem these, simply add them to your basket as normal.

You can also get discounts and deals by using IndiaTimes Shopping coupons. Some of these will be displayed on the site, but we keep a comprehensive list of them right here. Singing up to their newsletter or following them on social media will also keep you up to date with their various coupon offers.

Using IndiaTimes Shopping

If you have shopped online before the IndiaTimes Shopping website will be very familiar to you. They use a standard basket and online checkout system, and you can easily browse for products via the categories outline above. If you have something specific in mind you can also use the search bar at the top of the page. This will accept any product name, brand or keyword.

Once you have searched for a product or enter a category, you can further refine the listing by selecting parameters such as price range, brand, color, type features, popularity, and more. There are also helpful user star ratings and reviews to help you make an informed decision.

IndiaTimes Shopping caters to both individuals and bulk buyers. If you want to buy a large quantity simply click "Bulk Orders" and the bottom of the page. Doing so could get you a discount off the regular price.

Their blog features lots of shopping related topics and you can also stay up to date with the company in the news section of by following them on social media. They are active on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, and Pinterest. They also have a YouTube channel.

On the go but still want to shop? Why not download their mobile app for Android or iOS. It has all the same great features as the website, but makes it easier to use on your mobile device.

Payment Options

You can pay for your online purchases using a wide variety of methods. They accept most common credit and debit cards, including Visa, American Express, Mastercard, Maestro, Visa Debit, Mastercard Debit, and EMI.

Other options include Net Banking from most major banks, eZeClick, and the Paymate mobile payment app.

If you have a Gift Voucher, this can be redeemed for all or part of your order, with any remaining balance covered by another accepted method.

If you don't wish to pay online Cash on Delivery is accepted in most major Indian towns and cities. All you have to do is give the cash to the courier upon delivery.

Redeeming a IndiaTimes Shopping coupons couldn't be easier. Simply copy the code from our list or elsewhere, and paste it in to the promo box ahead of online payment. If valid you should see a confirmation message and your order should update according to the terms of the offer. For example if you used a IndiaTimes Shopping promo code you get a discount, your total order cost should drop accordingly. Note, you can only usually use one coupon per order, but you are able to combine a coupon with a standard discount/sale item.


Delivery options and times vary depending on what you have ordered and your location. Some items will even ship for free. It is best to add items to your basket and begin the checkout process to get accurate shipping information.


If any of your ordered items do not meet your satisfaction IndiaTimes Shopping will accept a return for a replacement. If they are not able to offer a replacement you will be offered a full refund. If items are simply unwanted they must be retuned in their original brand new condition, with all of the tags and packaging in tact.


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